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using EntityFramework;
using Infrastructure.Abstructions;
using Infrastructure.Converts;
using Infrastructure.Excel;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BackGround.Hangfire.Jobs.Waters
public class ImportWaterJob : ITransientDependency, IImportWaterJob
private readonly IParser _excelParser;
private readonly FireStationDbContext _context;
private readonly IConverter _converter;
public ImportWaterJob(IParser parser, FireStationDbContext context, IConverter converter)
_excelParser = parser;
_context = context;
_converter = converter;
public async Task Execute(Guid fileId,int categoryId)
var file = await _context.UploadedFiles.Where(u => u.Id == fileId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (file == null)
throw new Exception($"没有找到id为{fileId}的文件");
var fileUnit = await _context.FileUnits.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileId == fileId);
if (fileUnit == null)
throw new Exception($"没有找到文件{fileId}的单位关联记录");
var unitId = fileUnit.UnitId;
int uniacid = fileUnit.Uniacid;
int groupId = fileUnit.GroupId;
var fileName = file.Path;
var waterQuery = _context.Water.AsEnumerable();
var workBook = _excelParser.ReadExcel(fileName);
var parseResult = _excelParser.ParseExcel<Application.Shared.Dtos.Waters.Imports.Water>(workBook);
if (parseResult.Any())
var currentArea = string.Empty;
foreach (var result in parseResult)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Area))
currentArea = result.Area;
var existWater = waterQuery.FirstOrDefault(w => w.LocationName == currentArea + result.Street + result.Position);
if (existWater == null)
var waterEntity = BuildWater(result, currentArea, uniacid, groupId,categoryId);
await _context.Water.AddAsync(waterEntity);
var water = BuildWater(result, currentArea, uniacid, groupId,categoryId);
existWater.Longitude = water.Longitude;
existWater.Latitude = water.Latitude;
existWater.UpdateTime = water.UpdateTime;
existWater.InstallDate = water.InstallDate;
existWater.Status = water.Status;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch(Exception e)
throw e;
private Domain.Models.Waters.Water BuildWater(Application.Shared.Dtos.Waters.Imports.Water waterDto, string area, int uniacid, int groupId,int categoryId)
var water = new Domain.Models.Waters.Water
LocationName = area + waterDto.Street + waterDto.Position,
UpdateTime = DateTime.Now
if (waterDto.Point != null)
var pattern = "\\d+\\.?\\d*";
if (float.TryParse(waterDto.Point.EastLongitude,out var longitudevalue))
water.Longitude = longitudevalue;
var match= Regex.Match(waterDto.Point.EastLongitude, pattern);
if (match.Success)
water.Longitude = float.Parse(match.Value);
throw new Exception($"经度值{waterDto.Point?.EastLongitude}有误");
if (float.TryParse(waterDto.Point.NorthLatitude, out var latitudeValue))
water.Latitude = latitudeValue;
var match = Regex.Match(waterDto.Point.NorthLatitude, pattern);
if (match.Success)
water.Longitude = float.Parse(match.Value);
throw new Exception($"纬度值{waterDto.Point?.EastLongitude}有误");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(waterDto.ConstructionDate))
water.InstallDate = waterDto.ConstructionDate;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(waterDto.WaterStatus))
if (waterDto.WaterStatus.Contains("不好用"))
water.Status = 2;
else if (waterDto.WaterStatus.Contains("好用"))
water.Status = 1;
else if (waterDto.WaterStatus.Contains("坏"))
water.Status = 0;
water.Status = 2;
return water;