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2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Infrastructure.Excel.Attributes;
namespace Application.Shared.Dtos.Waters.Imports
[TableDto(Name = "伊金霍洛旗中队")]
[TableHeader(Title = "伊旗中队水源普查台账统计表", HorizontalAlignment = HeaderHorizontalAlignment.Center, StartRowIndex = 0, StartCellIndex = 0, EndRowIndex = 0, Auto = true)]
[TableHeader(Title = "填报人:苗境楷(通讯员)普查人:颜炳亮(中队长) 审核人:蔺鹏宏(大队长)", HorizontalAlignment = HeaderHorizontalAlignment.Center, StartRowIndex = 0, StartCellIndex = 0, EndRowIndex = 0, Auto = true)]
public class Water
[ExcelColumn(Name = "序号", Sort = 1)]
public int Index { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "旗(县、区)", Sort = 3)]
public string Area { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "街道(路段)", Sort = 4)]
public string Street { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "具体位置", Sort = 5)]
public string Position { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "水源现状", Sort = 6)]
public string WaterStatus { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "坐标", Sort = 7)]
public WaterPoint Point { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "建设日期", Sort = 8)]
public string ConstructionDate { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "普查日期", Sort = 9)]
public string CensusDate { get; set; }
public class WaterPoint
[ExcelColumn(Name = "N", Sort = 1)]
public string NorthLatitude { get; set; }
[ExcelColumn(Name = "E", Sort = 2)]
public string EastLongitude { get; set; }