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2 years ago
using BackGround.Hangfire.Jobs.Units;
using Domain.Models.UnitEquipments;
using Domain.Models.Waters;
using EntityFramework;
using Infrastructure.Abstructions;
using Infrastructure.Converts;
using Infrastructure.Word;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Infrastructure.Converts.Converter;
namespace BackGround.Hangfire.Jobs.FireHydrant
public class ImportFireHydrantsJob:ITransientDependency, IImportFireHydrantsJob
private readonly FireHydrantTableResolver _fireHydrantTableResolver;
private readonly FireStationDbContext _context;
private readonly IConverter _converter;
private readonly IWordParser _parser;
public ImportFireHydrantsJob(FireHydrantTableResolver fireHydrantTableResolver, FireStationDbContext context, IConverter converter, IWordParser parser)
_fireHydrantTableResolver = fireHydrantTableResolver;
_context = context;
_converter = converter;
_parser = parser;
public async Task Execute(Guid fileId)
var file = await _context.UploadedFiles.Where(u => u.Id == fileId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (file == null)
throw new Exception($"没有找到id为{fileId}的文件");
var fileUnit = await _context.FileUnits.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileId == fileId);
if (fileUnit == null)
throw new Exception($"没有找到文件{fileId}的单位关联记录");
var unitId = fileUnit.UnitId;
int uniacid = fileUnit.Uniacid;
int groupId = fileUnit.GroupId;
var fileName = file.Path;
var errorMessages = new List<string>();
var waterQuery = _context.Water.AsQueryable();
var word = _parser.ReadDocument(fileName);
var parseResult= _parser.Parse(word, _fireHydrantTableResolver);
foreach (var dict in parseResult)
var water = BuildWater(dict,uniacid,groupId);
var existWater = waterQuery.FirstOrDefault(w => w.LocationName == water.LocationName);
if (existWater == null)
await _context.Water.AddAsync(water);
existWater.Type = water.Type;
existWater.Code = water.Code;
existWater.GuanwangDiam = water.GuanwangDiam;
existWater.GuanwangPressure = water.GuanwangPressure;
existWater.GuanangType = water.GuanangType;
existWater.SupplyCompany = water.SupplyCompany;
existWater.PrincipalName = water.SupplyCompany;
existWater.PrincipalPhoneNum = water.PrincipalPhoneNum;
existWater.InstallDate = water.InstallDate;
existWater.UpdateTime = water.UpdateTime;
existWater.CancelDate = water.CancelDate;
existWater.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch(Exception e)
if (!errorMessages.Contains(e.Message))
if (errorMessages.Any())
var message = string.Join(';', errorMessages);
throw new Exception(message);
private Water BuildWater(Dictionary<string,object> dictionary, int uniacid, int groupId)
var water = new Water
LocationName = dictionary["位置"].ToString(),
CategoryId = 1,
Type = (short)(dictionary["形式(地上、地下)"].ToString().Trim() == "地上" ? 0 : 1),
Code = dictionary["消火栓编号"].ToString(),
Status = 1,
Latitude = 0,
Longitude = 0,
GuanangType = (short)(dictionary["管网形式(环状、枝状)"].ToString().Contains("环") ? 0 : 1),
SupplyCompany = dictionary["供水单位"].ToString(),
PrincipalName = dictionary["负责人"].ToString(),
PrincipalPhoneNum = dictionary["电话"].ToString(),
InstallDate = dictionary["安装日期"].ToString(),
ChangeDate = dictionary["变更日期"].ToString(),
CancelDate = dictionary["注销日期"].ToString(),
GuanwangDiam = (float)ConvertLength(dictionary["管网直径"].ToString()),
GuanwangPressure = (float)ConvertPresure(dictionary["管网压力"].ToString()),
return water;
private double ConvertLength(string length)
var pattern = "\\d+\\.?\\d*";
var match= Regex.Match(length, pattern);
if (match.Success)
var value = double.Parse(match.Value);
var unitStr = length.Replace(value.ToString(), "").ToLower();
LengthUnits unit;
if (unitStr == LengthUnits.mm.ToString())
unit = LengthUnits.mm;
else if (unitStr == LengthUnits.cm.ToString())
unit = LengthUnits.cm;
else if (unitStr == LengthUnits.dm.ToString())
unit = LengthUnits.dm;
else if (unitStr == LengthUnits.m.ToString())
unit = LengthUnits.m;
else if (unitStr == LengthUnits.km.ToString())
unit = LengthUnits.km;
throw new Exception($"错误的长度值{length}");
return _converter.ConvertLength(value, unit, LengthUnits.mm);
throw new Exception($"错误的长度值{length}");
private double ConvertPresure(string presure)
var pattern = "\\d+\\.?\\d*";
var match = Regex.Match(presure, pattern);
if (match.Success)
var value = double.Parse(match.Value);
var unit = presure.Replace(value.ToString(), "").ToLower();
PresureUnits presureUnit ;
if (unit == PresureUnits.pa.ToString())
presureUnit = PresureUnits.pa;
else if(unit == PresureUnits.hpa.ToString())
presureUnit = PresureUnits.hpa;
else if (unit == PresureUnits.kpa.ToString())
presureUnit = PresureUnits.kpa;
else if (unit == PresureUnits.mpa.ToString())
presureUnit = PresureUnits.mpa;
throw new Exception($"压力值非法{presure}");
var presureValue = _converter.ConvertPresure(value, presureUnit, PresureUnits.pa);
return presureValue;
throw new Exception($"压力值非法{presure}");